Pages tagged "developer tools"
Switching From Bash To Fish
I recently went through a painless transition from years of bash to fish shell in one evening. My bash setup has been stale for quite some time. I am mainly working in a bash terminal on a Mac and various Linux distributions. Bash, for me, has always been a bit of a mess to sort out the quirks of writing up scripts, loading in profile and configuration, and customizing the shell prompt. I had always put up with the quirks up until the other day when I decided to take the dive into Fish Shell.
AWS with STS for MFA Required Access
If you are using AWS for anything, and security is on top of your mind, you may have run into some friction using the AWS services programatically. May companies require MFA to be set up just to access the AWS console. Some go even further by adding the constraint of requiring a group, or all users, to use MFA for programatic access to their account. If you have ever been put into this situation and tried to use the AWS APIs you know how it can become a burden to now do the things you are used to doing from simple CLI calls.