Pages tagged "aws"
Serverless Events with Existing S3 Bucket
Serverless helps you with functions as a service across multiple providers. Using serverless with AWS allows you to tie these functions into your AWS infrastructure, or tie it into existing resources. Previously you couldn’t use existing S3 buckets for serverless lambda events. Today I learned that you can now use existing buckets.
AWS with STS for MFA Required Access
If you are using AWS for anything, and security is on top of your mind, you may have run into some friction using the AWS services programatically. May companies require MFA to be set up just to access the AWS console. Some go even further by adding the constraint of requiring a group, or all users, to use MFA for programatic access to their account. If you have ever been put into this situation and tried to use the AWS APIs you know how it can become a burden to now do the things you are used to doing from simple CLI calls.